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Release Date: 2019; Genres: Drama; reviews: Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks connection as he walks the streets of Gotham City. Arthur wears two masks -- the one he paints for his day job as a clown, and the guise he projects in a futile attempt to feel like he's part of the world around him. Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker; Average Ratings: 8,8 of 10 Star; Canada; duration: 2 h 2min

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Bruce knew that Gordon was going towards the door. Lol. Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free download. What happened to the three little pigs who thought they could take on the big bad Wolf. They died... Joker 2019 HD Full Movie Watch Online free download software. It's interesting. Many people seem to have a different understanding of this scene than I do. I don't know if anything was confirmed as 'canon' for this scene, but instead of him creating Batman, I think the Joke was something far beyond that. This scene is many years later. He is being interrogated in this scene by the woman. After a few questions, he started thinking about everything, and he came up with this story of how he became like this. The whole movie was the joke. And Bruce is the Punch line. If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be a multiple choice.

Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free download latest. Joker: Am I joke to you. 小丑電影劇情簡介 電影【 小丑 】Joker 榮獲 第92屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創歌曲配樂 ,飾演小丑的 瓦昆菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 奪得 第92屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角獎,電影【 小丑 】 Joker 也獲得 第76屆威尼斯影展金獅獎。 (延伸閱讀》2020 第92屆奧斯卡金像獎得獎名單 ) 電影【 小丑 】 改編 自 DC漫畫《蝙蝠俠》 中的經典反派角色,是一部關於犯罪心理的驚悚片,劇情 敘述「小丑」成為高譚市知名犯罪份子之前源由及心路歷程的獨立電影,全片聚焦在 瓦昆菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 個人精湛的演技上,由 陶德菲利普斯 Todd Phillips 執導, 其他知名演員還有 勞勃狄尼洛 Robert De Niro 、 希亞溫漢Shea Whigham ……等共同演出。 【小丑】電影金句台詞 1、The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t. 罹患精神病最糟的是,大家都希望你沒病。 2、I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy. 「我本來以為我的人生是一場悲劇,但我現在發現其實是一場喜劇。」 3、For my whole life, I didn’t know if I even really existed. But I do, and people are starting to notice. 這輩子我從來不確定自己是否存在……,但現在我確定自己存在。 4、You don’t listen, do you? You just ask the same questions every week. “How’s you job? ” “Are you having any negative thoughts? ” All I have are negative thoughts. 「妳從來沒有聽我講話,每個禮拜都問我一樣的話,工作如何?有沒有負面念頭?我每天都感覺充滿負面想法。」 5、Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there? 是我想太多,還是這個世界變得更瘋狂? 6、My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me I had a purpose: to bring laughter and joy to the world. 我媽總跟我說別忘了笑,我一定要笑, 她說我有個使命,要為這個世界帶來歡樂。 7、What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you fucking deserve! 你把一個被社會拋棄的精神病患當作像垃圾一般對待,你會得到什麼呢?你會得到你該得的。 8、 I hope my death makes more cents than my life. 我只希望我的死,比我的人生更有價值。 9、 I had a bad day. 我今天糟透了。 10、 Better the blind man who pisses out the window than the joker who told him it was a urinal. Know who the joker is? It’s everybody. 尿在外面而惱怒的盲人好過告訴他那是小便池的小丑。 知道誰是小丑嗎?是大家。 11、 Everybody’s telling me my stand-ups, are ready for the big clubs. 每個人都告訴我該具備的,我已經準備好參加這個大聚會。 12、I don’t want you worrying about money mom, or me. 我不要你擔心錢,或者是我,媽。 13、You get what you fucking deserve! 你罪有應得。 14、I killed those guys because they were awful. Everybody is awful these days. It’s enough to make anyone crazy. 我殺了那些人,因為他們很糟糕 ,這幾天大家都很糟糕,這足以讓每個人瘋狂。 15、Please, I don’t support that language, just don’t… DON’T! 16、She always tells me to smile, and put on a happy face. 我媽總是告訴我要笑,別忘了面帶微笑。 17、Have you seen what it’s like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the studio? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore. Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy. You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it’s like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don’t. They think that we’ll just sit there and take it, like good little boys! That we won’t werewolf and go wild! 莫瑞(Murray),你知道外面的感覺嗎? 你真的離開過這裡嗎? 外面每個人都互相大喊大叫,沒有公平,沒有人在意另一個人是什麼樣。 您認為像湯馬斯·韋恩(Thomas Wayne)這樣的人曾經想過像我這樣的人會怎樣嗎?想過除了他自己以外的別人嗎? 沒有。 他們認為我們會該像好孩子一樣坐在那裡接受它! 然後我們就不會像狼人般狂哮! 18、I know it seems strange, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I don’t know why everyone is so rude, I don’t know why you are; I don’t want anything from you. Maybe a little warmth, maybe a hug dad, maybe a bit of common decency! 我知道這看起來很奇怪,我不是要讓您感到不舒服,也不知道為什麼每個人都這麼無禮,不知道您為什麼這樣,我不要你什麼,除了一點溫暖,一個擁抱,或是體諒! 19、 Thomas Wayne : Someone who is envious of those more fortunate than themselves. Yet they’re too scared to show their own face. 嫉妒比他幸運的人,卻不敢露出真面目的自己 。- “SOMEONE WHO HIDES BEHIND A MASK. ” 20、 Arthur Fleck: Oh, why is everybody so upset about these guys? If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you’d walk right over me. 為什麼大家都對別人感到冷漠? 要是我橫死街頭,你們連理都不會理我。 21、 Arthur Fleck: I pass you everyday and you don’t notice me! But these guys, what, because Thomas Wayne went and cried about them on TV? 我每天都經過你,但你沒有注意我! 但是這些傢伙呢? 好吧,湯馬斯·韋恩會在電視上為他們哭泣嗎? 22、 Murray Franklin: I’m waiting for the punchline. Arthur Fleck: There is no punchline. It’s not a joke. 「我正在等待你的笑梗。」 「沒有笑梗。這不是笑話。」 23、 Arthur Fleck: Murray, one small thing? Murray Franklin: Yeah? Arthur Fleck: When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker? 「等我出場的時候,你可以介紹我是小丑嗎?」 24、 Social Worker: Is something funny? Arthur Fleck: I just thought of a funny joke! Social Worker: Do you mind telling it? Arthur Fleck: …You wouldn’t get it. 「你在笑什麼?」 「我想到好笑的事。」 「你介意分享一下嗎?」 「你不會懂得。」 25、 Arthur Fleck: [from trailer] I feel like I know you… I’ve been watching you forever. Murray Franklin: Well there’s something special about you Arthur I could tell. Arthur Fleck: But you don’t listen. I’m just trying to make my smile. Arthur Fleck:[來自預告片]我覺得我認識你……我一直在看著你。 Murray Franklin:恩,我能告訴你關於你的特別之處。 Arthur Fleck:但是你從不傾聽,我只是試著讓自己微笑。 26、 Murray Franklin: But, you know, this stuff, the lights, the show, the audience, all that stuff, I’d give it all up in a heartbeat to have a kid like you. 你知道這些鎂光燈,表演,觀眾,我願意放棄所有這一切東西,只為了擁有像你一樣的小孩。 27、 Thomas Wayne : And it’s those kind of people that change for the better, those of us who’ve made something of our lives, will always look at those who haven’t, as nothing but clowns. 正是這些人把生活變得更好,已經創造了生活的人,總會把那些沒有的人當作小丑。 28、 Arthur Fleck: School, as a kid, my mother would say, “ You should enjoy it. One day you’ll have to work for a living. ” No, I won’t, ma. I’m going to me a comedian. 在我還是小孩就學的時候, 我媽媽總是跟我說:「你必須好好讀書,有一天你得為生活工作」,不!我不要,媽,我要做一個喜劇演員。 29、 Thomas Wayne: Well, what I will say is, there’s something wrong with those people. I’m here to help them. I want to lift them out of poverty, help make their lives better. That is why I’m running. They may not realize it, but I’m their only hope. 嗯,我要說的是,那些人誤解了。 我是來幫助他們的,我想讓他們擺脫貧困,幫助他們改善生活。這就是為什麼我要競選市長。 他們可能沒有意識到,我是他們唯一的希望。 30、 Gary: Hey, Arthur? Arthur Fleck: Yeah Gary: Arthur, can you get the lock? Arthur Fleck: Sh*t. Sorry, Gary. [Arthur goes to open the door, but closes it again] Arthur Fleck: Gary? Gary: Yeah? Arthur Fleck: You’re the only one that’s ever been nice to me. [he kisses the top of Gary’s head and opens the door] Arthur Fleck: Get out of here. 你是唯一對我好的人。 Frank Sinatra 《That’s Life》 延伸閱讀 小丑相關電影文章 電影【 小丑 】Joker 影評 電影【 小丑 】Joker 名言金句台詞 電影【 小丑 】Joker music 配樂歌曲 2020 第92屆奧斯卡金像獎得獎名單 電影 【 猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放 】影評 電影【 猛禽小隊:小丑女大解放 】台詞金句語錄.

Did Joker actually kill his therapist and escape from Arkham, like the comics? Or was that just his imagination. I have to say, the moment That's life begins and Arthur/Joker changes from a day-dreaming, vacant stare to an intent stare directly at his Doctor is one of the most chilling things ever... Joker 2019 HD Full Movie Watch Online free download soccer. Ain't no way the Joker coulda took out the Moxon family, killed that comic in Somerset, and poisoned these poor bastards here at the EXACT SAME TIME. Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free download without. Batman Is Dead. Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free downloading. Sees THREE JOKERS Me: chuckles* im moving to metropolis. Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free download game.

I wanted to see what you'd do. This reminds me of Hannibal Lecter on the show Hannibal. He often puts things into motion simply out of curiosity. Joker did the same when it came to Batman. He tested Batman's principles throughout the entire film just to see what he'd do. P.S. Sorry Joaquin, Heath is still the best Joker by far. Me: I'm not falling for any more fictional dudes, enough is enough! Arthur Fleck: exists) Me: 2:22. Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free download games. Joker 2019 hd full movie watch online free download windows 10.

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1:35 - 1:47, we could see the Joker menacing stare without even putting on the make up. No other Joker could do that. And I mean NONE. Joker 2019 HD Full Movie Watch Online free download android.

“Everybody just yells and screams at each other, nobodys civil anymore.” Internet in a nutshell

This film was fantastic. A film that was way way in front of any of the franchised movies that where made in the last 30 years or aquin Phoenix is a marvelous actor who stamps his authority in any part he plays alongside another actor in this film with the same qualities. Robert De Niro. The preparation these actors make before shooting is unreal. They even go to the lengths of changing their physical appearance to make their characters on screen seem life-like to those having the enormous pleasure of watching them perform. Direction was flawlessly executed. Well done.

Criminal Joker : Jack Nicholson Clown Joker : Heath Ledger Comedian Joker : Joaquin Phoenix.

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